Chapter #1

The legend of the nymph in the Kingdom of the Dead: Sillene

Acqua di torrenti nei dintorni di Chianciano TermePhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Tin e Thalna due Canopi etruschi in prossimità di un fonte d'anquaPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Tin, la più grande divinità etrusca, corrisponde allo Zeus greco e al Giove romanoPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Acqua delle piscine termali TheiaPhoto by: Daniele Ciolfi
Acqua delle piscine termali TheiaPhoto by: Daniele Ciolfi

Strange things happen on the night of the Supermoon and legend has it that Sillene, the Nymph of the Kingdom of the Dead, came across a trail in the darkness of the world, a way into this world, overlooking the greenest of meadows, thanks to the light of the moon. He saw a shepherd sleeping next to his flock and fell in love. By night he left the kingdom of the dead and came to the earth to watch his sleeping shepherd. Diana figured out the situation and punished the nymph, turning her into a spring that still spurts out healing waters in  Chianciano Terme.

Chapter #2

Tin and Thalna, two Etruscan canopic jars

Tin e Thelna nella campagna intorno Chianciano TermePhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Veduta del Paese di Chianciano TermePhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Chiesa della Madonna della Rosa - all'interno si trova uno splendido dipinto raffigurante una Madonna con una rosa in manoPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
La Porta del Sole, una delle tre porte per accedere al borgo medievale di Chianciano TermePhoto by: Daniele Ciolfi
La medievale Torre dell'orologio che scandisce le ore in paese con lo Stemma della Famiglia Medici, aggiunto successivamente Photo by: Patrizia Mari

Tin came out of the ground where he had rested for approximately 3,000 years and looked around for Thalna. He took her hand and said, “Don’t worry. We will face this adventure together too!” They began to walk the green hills, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, guided by the stars above. They heard a bell close by. Upon reaching the top of the hill, they saw the village and were drawn to the Madonna della Rosa church. Upon entering they admired a painting of a Madonna holding out a rose to the Baby Jesus. In church an elderly lady mistook the two canopic jars for kids: Oh children, where have you been, all dirty like that? Then they walked through the Porta del Sole.

Chapter #3

Are we going then?

Discesa che porta verso la Porta San Giovanni soprannominata "Il butilone"Photo by: Patrizia Mari
Fuori dalla Porta San Giovanni nel Paese di Chianciano TermePhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Lavatoi in Via del PratoPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Strada che conduce in paese da Porta San GiovanniPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Veduta della Valdichiana dai giardinetti in paese, in prossimità di Piazzolina dei Soldati Photo by: Patrizia Mari

“My name’s Clarì and I live in the village. If you want something to eat I’ve made pici.” Not receiving an answer, she carried on. “What shall we do? Are we going then?” They followed her to Borgo di Mezzo. “What a struggle that hill is! Where have you been? Go and wash at the Prato washroom! After you’ve had something to eat, I’ll take you to the bucatoio, the Butiloneand so on!” On their way back, they stopped in a little garden to admire the views over the Valdichiana.

Chapter #4

The start of Tin and Thalna's journey after 3,000 years

Tin e Thalna davanti alla Chiesa Collegiata di San Giovanni BattistaPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
San Giovanni Battista. Nella Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista è visionabile una copia, l'originale si trova al Museo diocesano, sempre in paese. Photo by: Patrizia Mari
La Madonna nera nella Chiesetta GiubileiPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Giardino con Chiesetta della Villa SimoneschiPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Stanza del Fattore all'interno di Villa Simoneschi Photo by: Patrizia Mari

Clarì, on her way back from the washroom, took Tin and Thalna on a tour of the village, paying a visit to the Collegiata di San Giovanni Battista and showing them a painting by a popular artist, almost certainly local, in the 16th century, showing the patron saint, holding the village in one hand, celebrated on June 24. Then she told them about the mother of Egisto Giubilei, now the town hall, who came from Marche, was devouted to the Madonna (black) of Loreto and had it reproduced in the family chapel, as too did the Simoneschi family, which came from Pisa, in the farmer’s room, the ceiling of the room of the Badesse of Parma.

Chapter #5

On the night of the Supermoon

Rosone della Fontana di Piazza MatteottiPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
La Fontana di Piazza MatteottiPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Panorama sulla valle e il monte Cetona dal Paese di Chianciano Terme, sullo sfondo la Chiesa Madonna della RosaPhoto by: Patrizia Mari
Panorama sulla valle con vista Monte Amiata dal paese Photo by: Patrizia Mari
La Super Luna vista da Chianciano TermePhoto by: Daniele Ciolfi

In the church Clarì asked Tin and Thalna to sit down on a pew and continued to tell them about underground tunnels, nuns, counts and saints. They started walking again, as far as the fountain in Piazza Matteotti. The views over Monte Cetona and Amiata were stunning. Clarì told them that the last Supermoon was in 1948, 68 years ago, and that the next one would be in 2034. Tin and Thalna looked up at the sky, their eyes full of wonder thinking about the moon’s magic above the Earth.

Photo by: Joel Tonyan